

Krishna M. Sadasivam (pronounced Sah-DAS-eh-VHAM) is the creator of The PC Weenies. A glutton for knowledge, Krishna earned a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. It was there, in the hallowed bowels of Ferris Hall, that Krishna discovered he was a bonafide computer geek.

After several years in the chip design industry, Krishna made the precipitous decision to leave the engineering world behind and follow his life-long dream of going back to school for a formal education in art. His M.F.A. in Animation is from the Savannah College of Art & Design. Currently, Krishna serves as a full-time instructor within the Media Arts and Animation department at the Art Institute of Tampa.

When he’s not busy teaching, he spends a considerable amount of time as a freelance cartoonist / illustrator. Some of his prominent clients include Hinduism Today, What PC? Magazine (VNUnet), The BENT Magazine (Tau Beta Pi), EE Times, Microsoft, The Straits Times, Other World Computing, India Currents and C|net.

His freelance specialties include creating custom comics, logo designs, and specialty illustrations in a timely, friendly, and professional manner. When he’s not creating comics, Krishna spends much of his time with his wife Aarti and daughter Sonia. He runs the following sites:

PC Weenies – webcomics focused on technology humor and geek culture
UNcubed – an autobiographical comic focusing on the life and times of an Indian growing up in the US.
Krishna Draws - my portfolio site

His other hobbies include reading comics, cycling, and playing guitar.
