
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Digital inking Brandon's character

This is a work-in-progress. I've always wanted to try my hand at inking someone else's pencils. After our latest collaboration, I asked Brandon McKinney if he may have any penciled drawings laying around that I could practice digital inking with. Lo and behold, he was able to supply me with the awesome penciled sketch you see above. I'm still playing around with the inks - and will add colors etc. But here's where I'm at so far...


Scott said...

This looks great Krishna! I'd love to know what your brush settings are. Do you use Photoshop? You get a line I've only been capable of in Illustrator (which feels a bit like cheating, because it smooths it out for you). Great stuff though!

Krishna M. Sadasivam said...

Thanks, Scott!

I use Painter IX for inking - the brushes within it seem much more flexible and responsive than the ones I've tried in Photoshop.